September 3, 2020

#TeamFutureTech Award: 2020 Crew of the Month – May

For the month of May 2020, the Future Technologies Project Management Organization would like to award the CREW OF THE MONTH to LTE Crew #6!

Congratulation’s to the Build Crew! This Crew completed a total of 5 sites in the month of May. Many of the sites were completed way under Budget with 1 or 2 sites coming in way under budgeted hours. This crew completed several sites in record time. 74 hours / 72 hours. The Crew completed several 5 G Sites in only 25 hours per man. One project was completed in only 72 total hours with no alarms or return trips to date. This is the lowest hour site to date. Congrats!

Please take a moment to congratulate and thank them for their continued efforts and focus to be daily contributors to our customer business tasking.

Awesome job guys and keep up the great work!

Taylor Juska